Home > News & Events > National Inclusion Week – Basit Abdul talks about the EDI Programme for HCS and the Contributors’ Poll

National Inclusion Week – Basit Abdul talks about the EDI Programme for HCS and the Contributors’ Poll

Happy National Inclusion Week to our incredible community of healthcare scientists!


This year, the theme is “Take Action, Make Impact,” which perfectly aligns with the mission of Healthcare Science Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (CSO EDI) Programme (a collaborative effort between the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) and the Office of the CSO for England).

Inclusion is especially important for the HCS community; it drives innovation, enhances patient care, and fosters a sense of belonging among professionals. Our programme has made significant strides in the planning and conceptualisation stages, laying down a strong foundation for our HCS EDI Strategy, framework, and toolkit. Our focused engagement efforts have led to the establishment of an HCS EDI Contributors’ Pool, which currently boasts 75 members, and we’ve made considerable progress in analysing your feedback to develop the strategy, framework and toolkit tailored to the unique challenges faced by healthcare scientists.

This National Inclusion Week, we urge you to be part of this transformative initiative by joining our Contributors’ Pool. Your firsthand experiences and insights are invaluable to ensuring our upcoming EDI Strategy, Framework, and Toolkit are both impactful and practical. As we celebrate this week dedicated to inclusion, let’s commit to taking meaningful actions that create a lasting impact on our professional community. We invite you to be more than a bystander; become a contributor to the CSO EDI Programme today.

Join the Contributors’ Pool and let’s make a difference together this National Inclusion Week!

Here’s the link: https://forms.office.com/e/2pNGU2BxYc

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