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Get involved in the development of a 2024 Healthcare Science Strategy for England

The NHS recently turned 70 and work has begun to develop a long term plan for the NHS. There has not been a better time to demonstrate how healthcare science can play a full role in transforming care and services for patients.

Key developments

The CSO team has been leading a rapid horizon scan to identify those technologies that will impact significantly on healthcare science services in the next ten years. On 27 July, we hosted a webinar with over 95 healthcare scientists, many of whom were still studying or were two years post training.

A cross system Healthcare Science Strategic Advisory Board has also recently been established. The Board had its first meeting on 31 July and has agreed to oversee the development and implementation of the Strategy. The Board will play a crucial role in identifying those system wide measures that are needed in order to support the development of healthcare science including (but not limited to): advising and making recommendations on how the profession will drive technological developments, plans for the implications of these changes for healthcare science service models and identifying the consequences of new technology for the selection, curricula, education and training and leadership development of current and future healthcare scientists.

How you can get involved

  • Take part in Tweet chats starting on 26 September – we will be inviting your views and comments on some of the emerging themes in the Strategy. Simply follow @WeHCScientists to find out more.
  • Attend our webinar in October (date tbc) – we plan to test out some of our initial thinking and to get your input. This will be advertised via @WeHCScientists
  • If you are a lead healthcare scientist or a president of a healthcare science professional body, be sure to attend the CSO summit meeting on 4 October the Strategy will be a substantive discussion item.
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