Home > News & Events > New Year, new Resolutions – Chair of the AHCS Regulation Council Blog

New Year, new Resolutions – Chair of the AHCS Regulation Council Blog

Happy new year, may all your problems be little and resolvable.

Resolutions are difficult because they are often personal and often over ambitious. The guidance is to choose small achievable steps which are clearly articulated and measurable. Boring but true! Let’s ignore that…..

2018 to be the year that all healthcare scientists and their related organisations stop trying to use regulation as a tool for professional advancement. Its not a badge of honour guys!

2018 to be the year that regulators of any kind stick to regulation and protecting patients, service users and the public effectively.

2018 to be the year that the UK has a simplified system and structures for regulation of any kind (statutory, non-statutory, accredited or not) that is focused on preventing damage to patients, rather than “disciplining” the professional after the fact.

Imagine a single free phone line and one web site for any patient in the UK to get help, advice and access to a complaints process.

I’ll stop there before the lynching party arrives.

Healthcare scientists do a great job including not damaging patients and service users, make sure that is the message that gets out.

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