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AHCS President travels to Nepal to teach Spirometry

“Having weathered a particularly difficult winter of healthcare in the UK, I have a unique opportunity to travel out to Nepal to teach spirometry to healthcare professionals in Kathmandu and Gorhka, with my wife.  I believe this will give us a great opportunity to see healthcare from a different perspective and perhaps learn how healthcare staff cope with even more challenging situations.  The charity I am teaching with (Nepalmed) have supported Nepal for 17 years and helped build hospitals and related facilities.  One of these hospitals collapsed in the 2015 earthquake – but the work goes on. I will be distributing the IPEM “Science for Patient Benefit” posters to promote patient awareness of Healthcare Science even in such a beautiful and remote part of the planet. If possible, I will send the odd tweet back home, and I will be taking a lot of pictures!  Questions that may be answered are;


What healthcare scientist services do they have in Nepal?  Where do they recruit/train their HCS staff?  What are the greatest challenges to delivering healthcare in Nepal? What are the key health problems in Nepal? What impact will teaching diagnostics have on respiratory healthcare in Nepal?  I plan to write some articles for Vox and the Academy website on my return, which answers these and other questions. Look out for “The President, his wife, the mountains and a spirometer” in the coming weeks.”  Professor Brendan Cooper, President.

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